Service Your LP12 with Brisbane Hifi
The most famous of all turntables - the Linn LP12. It's a fan favourite and one that we revere and adore, not just from a performance perspective, but also from their engineering marvel. We have clients that hang onto their LP12s and have passed them on from generation to generation, and the brilliant thing is that even the oldest of LP12s can be upgraded to meet current performance standards - few products can boast that.
We recommend your LP12 comes in for a minor service once every three years. There are a number of perishables on board, and just like a car, they need a tune up to keep running at their best.

Our Process
When you bring your LP12 into our workshop, the first thing we'll do is perform a healthcheck. Springs, belts, oil, rubber grommets - these are all consumable products that need replacing over time.
Following this, we'll perform a full test on your beloved deck and recommend the best upgrades for your LP12. Every deck is unique, so we take the time to fully assess each deck and give it the time and love it deserves.
Book Your LP12 Service Today
Our Visit to Linn HQ 2024
In 2024, we visited the Linn factory for training. Josh received direct training from Frank Murray, Linn's LP12 lead engineer, and hands-on workshops with Gordon Inch, Linn LP12 trainer and veteran. Here's some photos of our trip.
Linn LP12 Parts
Every LP12 has a different upgrade journey. Here are a few parts to the journey, and we are more than happy to advise you on your next best steps.
Linn 360 Loudspeaker
विक्रेता:LINNनियमित रूप से मूल्य $119,995.00 सेनियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति -
Linn Bedrok Plinth for Sondek LP12
विक्रेता:Linnनियमित रूप से मूल्य $19,995.00 सेनियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति -
Linn Klimax Solo 800 Mono Amplifier
विक्रेता:Linnनियमित रूप से मूल्य $76,995.00नियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति -
Linn Utopik Power Supply
विक्रेता:Linnनियमित रूप से मूल्य $2,800.00नियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति -
LINN Lingo 4 Power Supply
विक्रेता:Linnनियमित रूप से मूल्य $3,495.00नियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति -
LINN Trampolin Baseboard
विक्रेता:Linnनियमित रूप से मूल्य $395.00नियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति -
LINN Turntable Sub-chassis
विक्रेता:Linnनियमित रूप से मूल्य $6,295.00नियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति -
LINN Urika Internal analogue phono stage
विक्रेता:Linnनियमित रूप से मूल्य $6,295.00नियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति -
LINN Radikal Power Supply
विक्रेता:Linnनियमित रूप से मूल्य $8,995.00नियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति -
LINN Radikal Machined Power Supply
विक्रेता:Linnनियमित रूप से मूल्य $13,995.00नियमित रूप से मूल्ययूनिट मूल्य प्रति