我们的家庭网络分析提供了如何最大限度地提高网络速度的计划,无论是通过 Wi-Fi、以太网还是互联网。
随着 NBN 的到来以及音频和视频点播流媒体服务的日益普及,对强大且可靠的家庭网络系统的需求将变得越来越明显。大多数消费者网络设备不具备处理这种不断增加的负载的可靠性。为了解决这个缺点,我们现在提供商业级网络设备,这些设备专为 24/7 运行而设计,并允许隔离安全摄像头、控制系统、音频/视频流等不同区域 (VLAN)...

- 改善网络和互联网速度
- 全屋高速Wi-Fi覆盖
- 共享存储系统(NAS、SAN)
- 低 ping 游戏
- 全屋音响
- 视频和文档流
- 冗余夜间/每周备份系统
- 冗余闭路电视存储
- 支持 NBN 光纤连接的完整带宽使用
We offer:
- Free On-Site Visits and Assessment
- Complete data cabling solutions
- Network topology plans and throughput analysis
- Expansion of existing networks
- Communications room design and installation
- Network relocation
- Network repair and cable upgrades
- Re-cabling existing messy system to implement proper cable management and documentation

Networking Tidy Up
If you already have an existing system, that has grown more unmanageable with time, with unplanned patches and wires adding to the mess and complexity - we can get that all tidied up for you and build in the scalability and expansion possibilities for future upgrades.
Here are some before and after photos of what we have been able to deliver for our customers.
Security License Number : 3279728
Security Firm License Class 2 Number : 4179405
ASIAL Compliance Certified